Muscle health for all

For more than 25 years, nHANCE™ driven by YoYo Technology™ has been the Global Leader in Eccentric Resistance Training. Our patented iso-inertial flywheel resistance exercise paradigm paved the way, and changed our thinking and means to enhance speed, strength and power. Designed for NASA astronauts, used by the best athletes we serve men and women of all ages to prevent and heal injury while offering the most time-effective and complete line of resistance exercise products. That is Muscle Health for All.
We follow a Swedish tradition of smart engineering and landmark innovations. Listed by the Karolinska Institute, home of the Nobel Prize in Medicine and Physiology, where Drs. Tesch & Berg “gave birth to” YoYo™, as one of the most prominent medical breakthroughs over the last century.
We have done our homework over the past decades! Thus, our unique exercise methods and hardware, first introduced in year 1994, have been validated in numerous scientific studies in cooperation with renowned pro athletes and sports teams, coaches, physiotherapists and international research laboratories around the world. The records speak for it self. And this information is available to all as We Dare to Share. We will continue to do so.

”We thank all prestigious institutions around the world who have contributed with research and development to achieve our success and recognition”

The best gym built for home and astronauts away from home!
The #211 YoYo™ MultiGym offers an endless number of powerful, functional exercises; the seated leg press, calf raises, back extensions, bench- and French press, biceps-and reverse curl, upright, lateral shoulder raises and much more. It comes with two vests (chose two units from S, M, L, XL, XXL) anatomically designed to effectively unload shoulder and spine for optimal comfort; adjustable crossbar and several handles for various upper-body exercises.
Strap length is readily adjusted to accommodate body stature, exercise mode or range of motion desired. The seat can be set in either fixed or sliding operational mode.

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More than a perfect knee rehab tool!
This, now reconfigured fourth generation, classical machine is the very first in the YoYo™ product family.
The #212 YoYo™ Leg Press allows for either the seated uni-or bilateral closed chain leg press. It is equally well suited for the seated uni-or bilateral calf press. Hence, the #212 YoYo™ Leg Press targets all four heads of the quadriceps; adductors, hip extensors and plantar flexors.
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The one and only hamstring machine worth the name!
This is the machine that revolutionized hamstring training, injury prevention and rehabilitation. The #213™ YoYo Leg Curl is a “classic” in the YoYo™ product family. The supine #213™ YoYo Leg Curl allows for either the uni-or bilateral open chain knee flexion.
Using smart, safe and simple solutions, range of motion (ROM) is adjusted from full ROM to accomodate “partial reps”. Unlike any other exercise solution known, the #213 YoYo™ Leg Curl targets all muscles of the hamstring complex and more so than other methods, as unique research examining FC Barcelona players has shown*.

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The ultimate quadriceps muscle machine!
The #214 YoYo™ Knee Extension is the ultimate machine to isolate quadriceps use, as it targets all four heads of the quadriceps. Using a somewhat tilted seat design and anatomical lumbar support, the #214 YoYo™ Knee Extension allows for either uni- or bilateral coupled concentric-eccentric actions.
It accommodates individuals of all body statures with “easy to adjust” settings for thigh- and lower leg. Range of motion (ROM) is readily set by adjusting strap length to the produce partial- or full ROM actions, while avoiding over extension about the knee joint.
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The legendary Squat machine for brute power and more!
The #215 YoYo™ Squat Ultimate Pro offers most impressive explosive power or brute force in the classical squat, but also an endless number of powerful, functional leg exercises; lateral-, skating-, split squats, lunges, calf raises and many more. Adding the #216 Hooper’s Box Pro allows for even more and complex exercises. The vest used with the #215 YoYo™ Squat is anatomically designed to effectively unload shoulder and spine.
Strap length is readily adjusted to accommodate body stature, exercise mode or range of motion desired. Optional exercises using attachments (handles and bars) to involve trunk- and core and upper-body muscle(s) groups are bent over or upright row, arm curls, pulls, shoulders, deadlift and many more.

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Extend your Squat machine and gain more!
The #216 YoYo™ Hooper’s Pro Box is an addition and extra feature to the #215 YoYo™ Pro Ultimate Squat. Attaching Hooper’s Pro Box extends the platform and allows not only the very tall athletes to entertain all the benefits of the YoYoTM Squat, but any individual who wish to perform the wide stance or unilateral Squat, Lunges or other lower leg exercises in the same horizontal plane.
Thus, with the ”Hooper’s Pro Box” attached, the number of upper-body and multi-directional exercises that could be executed are almost unlimited. In no time, the “Hooper’s Pro Box” is attached and secured to your #215 YoYo Squat.
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Builds back depth and width unheard of!
The #217 YoYo™ Lats Pull Down allows for any Lat Pull-Down exercise to involve the upper-and lower muscles lats using wide-, medium- close grip front or rear; leaning back, underhanded and more.
The triceps push down, biceps and reversed curls are other optional exercises. The machine is equipped with a wide grip, lightweight straight bar, but fits for short ropes, handles, angled bars and other attachments. Combine with the #216 YoYo™ Squat for e.g., bent over rows and dead lifts, and the #218 YoYo™ Seated Pro Crew Row and you have the set up for a complete back exercise work out.

Designed for and validated by Olympian athletes!
The #218 YoYo™ Seated Pro Crew Row allows for exercise using either a sliding or fixed seat setting, using smart, safe and simple solutions. The machine has measures identical to those of established indoor rowing machines, preferred by athletes. The machine comes with a narrow, light- weight yet sturdy straight bar to accomplish the “sliding row” while mimicking outdoor rowing. Single- and double handles are used in the fixed seat mode to execute one- or two arm rows or pulls. With this ”power machine” inertia can be chosen to comply with any desired stroke frequency.
While the stroke in rowing is characterized by high concentric power output, this machine, like any other YoYo™ machine, produce markedly greater power as resistance is accomodated-and the eccentric overload spills over to more concentric power.